4 weeks out and....
hey im a almost 4 weeks out, and yes burping is a problem...lol, but i really dont think that it goes away its just like gas pockets that are in your pouch. how much have you lost i have only lost like 21 lbs and i was like 15 at 2 weeks. but if you go look at other ppls. they are all different, but it all comes off. i looked at one ladies and her lose at 2 weeks was 34 and 40 at a month and then another was 13 at 2 weeks and 20 at a month...so yah they are all different.......ur proly not doing something wrong....idk there is much that you could do wrong the first month..lol, just make sure that u are walking for atleast 20 min a day....ttly, tiffanie