6 days out and feeling fantastic!
I'm not gonna lie, that first day or so was rough with the gas pains, but nothing like giving birth or anything. and the gas pain? it passes (pun definately intended) I walked a few blocks by day 3, and except for an achy, feels like I got puched in the tummy kinda feeling, I feel fine. Lost 10 pounds since Monday.
Enough about me, how are the rest of you June RNyers doing? was it easier/harder than you thought? How much have you lost thusfar? Anyone go to Temple in Philly?
I wish I was feeling as up and at it you are! But congrats on your energy!
!! I am 5 days out...and can I just say WOW
... Today is the first day that I feel like going out. I am new here so I have not met many people yet. From what I have read my doctor does things a little different. He leaves a feeding tube in you for 4-6 weeks and so I have had nothing to eat by mouth YET
other than ice chips. Which can I just say SUCKS the big one!
Everything goes into the feeding tube which is to my old stomach! I think that has been what is the worst of it all that feeding tube...But I will say that I went to into surgery @ 202 lbs and the day after I got home was 216 lb (not real sure on that) but today I just weighed myself and I am 199 lbs. I get my stitches taken out Monday so I am very excited... The first DAY was HORRIBLE!!! Day 2 was better days 3 and 4 SUCKED i think because I wanted to come off the pain meds. But today is much better. I have been walking a lot which helps with the GAS but otherwise I am so ready for monday! Thanks for your insight I finally feel Like I have conected with someone in my same position! Good luck and Keep in touch!

I've never heard of having a feeding tube after. Is it an ng (up the nose) tube? my 8 year old has one of those and says once its in it doesn't bother her, but I wonder if she feels it (she's not the most verbal, so it's hard to say). Don't worry about what the scale said just after the surgery, you're all full of fluids and gas. 199 is fantastic! that's my first goal, but I still have 50 to loose to get there. What's your goal weight? I'm so proud of your for going through with this! Good luck!
I had my surgery 6/25 so I'm almost a week out, and I am SORE. I got spoiled with childbirth an emergency c-section, and I driving within a week. I felt great... With this, not so much.
I feel terrible because my husband had planned to go back to work already, and I can't be on my own with my daughter yet. I can't even shower or use the bathroom without help.
I am feeling better every day, I don't even remember surgery day or day two, I just know I felt like I got hit by a mac truck. I woke up Friday thinking maybe I had made a mistake, but then they called a CODE Blue through the hospital and I realized that I was doing better than that guy. I am having a hard time determining whether my pain level now is normal or whether I should call the doctor. How much pain should I be in? I am not in pain until I stand up. Then I feel like my stomach muscles are going to split my incisions open. I also am having some pain in my lower stomach "roll" I guess you could say, below my belly button, not anywhere near my incision sites. My husband said it could be a hernia, but who knows. I just want to feel better!
I think the clear liquid diet is making me cranky
I had my surgery on Tuesday. My first TWO days were awful. At least I got a baby out of childbirth (ha-ha). I was up the first night and walked the halls at least every 3 hours or so. I had to have an upper GI on Wed and it was awful. My doc does that on all post op day #1's. Got to come home on Thursday too my COOL house. I am feeling good. I am using protein bullets for my protein but am experimenting with stuff. Post op the protein shaked are GROSS..they were tolerable before surgery but not after. Lentil soup is my new discovery. And I am loving CL lemonade. Just sipping along!! Went to grocery yesterday for a short trip (hence the lentil soup). I have hta punched in the gut feeling too... I have lost 14 lbs since Tuesday. But am trying not to look at too much cause I know It could go up/down these first weeks. I weighed 260.5 on surgery day so to be under 250lbs, I almost feel like a Victoria's Secret Model (ha-ha).
When I hit the 199lbs mark...I'm sending my picture to playboy(REALLY just kidding).
It's harder than I thought with the scared to eat and pain. I was orginally REALLY scared to eat or drink anything, but am getting better each day. Will be on Stage 2 for two more weeks.
See you on the WEIGH DOWN!!
I have a feeding tube too. It is the worst but I am dealing as I know my doctor will not take it out for 4-6 weeks, no excuses! It makes it almost unbearable to sleep at night. And the lortab I was taking was making it hard for me to breath! UGH!! Other than that I have been alright. We went to the mall today just to get out of the house. It wasn't so bad. Didn't stay that terribly long. I don't really have any pain in my gut except for the G Tube. And I am having a sharp pain shoot up my stomach to my left shoulder when I take a deep breath. This is because my tube is rubbing up against my lungs. I called the doc. Fun stuff!! Glad to hear you all are getting better with each passing day!

Well I'm 4 days out and feeling good. I have been sleeping most of the night waking to get pain meds and going back to sleep. I'm up all day no naps my body won't relax enough to take a nap. Working on liquid diet. It's ok. Had my first bowel movement last night. At least the pumbling is working. I not that tired after the anesthesia wore off. I've been pretty up. The pain meds aren't making me sleepy. I had an open RNY on Monday so no gas issues thank god. I didn't handle that well with my gallbladder out. Two years ago. Just tinderness from the incision site. Well I hope all of you are on a quick road to recovery so we can meet everyone on the other side. THE LOSER BENCH!!!! YEAH!!!!