Hi Salena,
I am sorry to hear your surgery has been rescheduled again.
But, I always try to think "Everything happens for a reason" its not always easy, but it does make me feel better. I have tried to have that thought with my process of this journey, I started my referral last Feb 2007. My referral was not done when it was suppose to have been. Then the doctors I wanted to go to because they were closer to home, has a longer waiting list then the others in Maine. But, I was having lp shunt surgeries all summer. Although my neurologist felt if I had wls my fluid on the brain would go away or atleast would be in remission. But, the wls doctor didnt feel my medical condition made my surgery important enough to move it up. So, I had to feel that was for a reason.
It wasnt easy last year when I was suffering and out of work and hadnt gone to a neurosurgeon. I was upset. But, once I realized there was a surgery that could help me, that I wouldnt lose my job, well, again things happen for a reason. Right? LOL
Yes, you keep getting close, you have a lot to show for it Salena, you re getting prepared for the surgery. Mentally and physically.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.