Surgery- June 12th and ? on vitamins to get
What all are you planning on buying pre-op for your vitamins? I am going to get the Centrum Chewables and see about getting some Calcium Citrate (UpCal D powder maybe?). Did your nut or doctor say how much each day you're supposed to get of B12 and Calcium Citrate? If so, can you please share? Thanks!
My dr. says 1500 mg of Calcium Citrate & B-12 sublingual 1000mcg.wkly. I'm not sure the amount of powder(if it's the same or not) may need to consult surgeon's office. They should cover that at your pre-op appt. Good luck & best wishes for a quick recovery. I know they prefer chewables or liquid the first few months.
is that 1500 mg of CC and B12 each day or one of them just make sure to get that in a week? I didn't understand what you meant when you put weekly on those two. Just trying to clarify.
I asked my friend that had the surgery back in march with my doctor and she said they didn't clarify how much of each vitamin you need at the pre-op class, but then again she didn't ask. I'm going to ask at my class though, just to make sure. Thanks!!