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Topic: RE: This week's theme "Challenges & Triumps "
Now theres an idea...wearing the weights in the water...why didn't that occur to me.
I'm going to ask my Aquafit instructor if there are any at the pool I could try. Been searching for a way to increase my workout
Topic: RE: How's This?
Wow!! Now thats a confidence booster!
I waved to someone in a parking lot over the weekend who looked right through me and weren't even polite enough to return the wave, even though they obviously didn't recognise me...LOL
Topic: RE: a wow... =)
Congrats and happy belated birthay!
I have gotten a few comments about not being old enough to have the kids I do...
And people that know me have been telling me that I look younger...
I always thought fat people looked younger because the fat smoothed out the wrinkles????? LOL Shows what I know...
Topic: RE: a wow... =)
haha!! I tipped her 20$
and thanks for the compliments. I'm feeling a lot younger and loving it. Although.... my kids aren't lovin it so much that people think I'm their sister. =)
Topic: RE: a wow... =)
that is a very cool wow!
(soo, how much did you tip her?? lol)
you do look great, you youngster!!!
happy belated birthday!
Topic: RE: Breakfast ideas
mel you look terrific!!
i can do fruit. and i have 10 bottles of achiev one left so i'm gonna push protein shakes again.
thanks everyone!
Topic: RE: Breakfast ideas
thanks pam, glad i'm not the only one who has resorted to protein bars.
i haven't tried eggbeaters yet.
thanks again, hope things are going ok for you and your kids!
Topic: RE: Breakfast ideas
i'm with you on the no cooking!
i need to push the protein drinks again. boring is fine, it obviously works, look at you!
Topic: RE: a wow... =)
Well let me tell you....I just saw your post on Judi's breakfast idea post and was shocked! YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW GIRL!