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Topic: RE: Junesters Weight Loss since Surgery Poll
Hi, I think your doing a great job! I lost 67 lbs. since 6/4...also I lost 31 prior to surgery for a total of 98 and I'm stuck at that for the moment! LOL

Topic: RE: Junesters Weight Loss since Surgery Poll
Hi Kathi! You are doing GREAT!
I started at: 300.8
lost 24.5 on pre-op diet
lost another 68.5 since surgery
for a total of 93 lbs.
Keep up the GREAT work!

Topic: RE: Medicine Advice
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. That's no fun. I haven't had to take anything, but I know Tylenol was okay'd for me, so I would think the Cold med would be okay, but maybe call your surgeons nurse and find out for sure.

Topic: RE: Junesters Weight Loss since Surgery Poll
I had an RNY on June 18th /07 as of this morning I am down 118.5 lbs. 35 of those were lost during the pro op liquid diet. So the 118.5 is since June 8th.
I dont think there is any big secret except following the rules, making sure you get enough protein, I never eat anything that has more than 5 g of sugar or fat per serving. I try to keep the carbs less than 25 per meal...but thats hard. Lots and lots of water / crystal light / decaf green tea.
Recently I have tried to concentrate more on eating more solid protein, eating more along with the rest of my family, I had sort of stuck my self in a rut eating almost the same thing every day...But now Im trying to mix it up a bit.
Excersise....change it up everyday.
We are all loosing at different rates, but I think what is being over looked is that ( I wont speak for anyone else ) but in my case I think I started at a much higher weight than a lot of others here???
I have forgotten the numbers but I know we are expected to loose a cetain percentage of weight in the first 3 months, another percentage by 6 months and another by 1 year. So some like myself who started at 348 lbs would loose more than someone who started at 230 lbs... But we are prgressing as expected.
I just finished 4 days on business travel and hated staying in the hotel. Don't know how you're doing it all this time! You're a strong woman! Love ya right back, C! C2!
Topic: RE: Junesters Weight Loss since Surgery Poll
awww thanks!! Almost everyone says that about me (looking young what a great compliment) My sons will be in feb 19 and 18 ..........I will be 40 in dec........i have great skin I think because i never go in the sun (allergic to it) i don't smoke and i don't drink i think that helps me keep young....LOL...yes get your protein up although I THINK YOU ARE DOING REALLY GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! U GO GIRL!!!
Topic: RE: Junesters Weight Loss since Surgery Poll
Oh man! You are busy!!
And you are old enough to have a son going into college?? you look good, girl!! I go to Curves 3 or 4 times a week. I love it and I hate walking. I need to start doing some though. My problem is probably the protein, I usually just get in the bare minimum which they tell me I am supposed to have 50-65 grams of protein a day. I will try better with that.

Topic: RE: Junesters Weight Loss since Surgery Poll
Hi Kathi, i am not sure what my secret is .........i do drink alot of protein........with crystal i have had alot going on.....son going off to college, a son a senior this year, not to mention my soon to be 14 year old daughter who has me running, my job is usually very busy (realtor),and of course the stress of building a new home, and moving and now living out of a hotel...i really think it's just all the stuff going on....
i do try to walk every night usually ends up only being 3 or 4 nights of the week...i want to start doing some weights also

Topic: RE: Junesters Weight Loss since Surgery Poll
91 lbs since 6/28? Wow! Terriffic!! What is your secret?? Do you exercise a lot? That is awesome, good job!!
Topic: RE: Medicine Advice
i took the liquid tylenol cold medicine was ok with it....
hope you feel better