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Topic: RE: level off
Hi Carman, SOOO glad that you found us over here!!! We all look forward to your posts!!
Everyone has some stalls...the best advice that I could give you is Increase protein,exercise and make sure you are getting enough calories....
I was NOT getting enough food and as soon as I uped my calories (never thought I would have to up them...LOL )soon as I started doing that down went the scale.
Topic: RE: Monday Weigh in----ROLLING PLEASE!
highest 246
today 153
total 93
rolling total 457.5
hey hey hey!!!!!!!!!! wooo hoooooo
Topic: RE: uuugggh went to the dr.'s this morning
knock on wood so far no yeast......
thanks though Judi!!
Topic: RE: uuugggh went to the dr.'s this morning
as usual i'm goofed up. it was yeast infections they were talking about. ugh to those too!
i have heard that some people's docs make them drink just clear water, no crystal light, etc. I wonder if regular water for a few days would help clear it up!
good luck! judi
Topic: RE: Monday Weigh in----ROLLING PLEASE!
Highest 371
Friday 284.5
Loss 86.5
Rolling Total 364.5
Topic: RE: Monday Weigh in----ROLLING PLEASE!
Start = 262.5
Today = 182
Total Lost = 80.5
Rolling total = 278.1
Topic: RE: The way things are!?!?!??
Richard! Great to hear from you! Glad things are getting better for you and you aren't soooo discouraged. Congrats on your acceptance into grad school. I didn't think they were doing anything with financial assistance this early, you may have to wait a bit to find out about financial aid. Call the financial aid office and ask about it. Also, there may be scholarships you can apply for.
I tried to see new pics of Arwyn on your profile, but there were no pictures showing, even of your friends, just names....thing there was something wrong with OH. I'll check again later.
Take care and keep up the excellent work! Can't believe you've gone from a 6X to a 2X....that is SOOOOOOOOOOOO wonderful! You must be feeling SOOOOO much better!

Topic: RE: 100 lbs gone FOREVER!!
