Recent Posts
Topic: RE: My WOW for the month...
that is very cool!
she will adjust and start stealing your clothes again I'm sure!
Topic: RE: I am in ONEDERLAND
wow...................congrats girl...............You are really looking great.......
whats you christmas goal now???
Topic: I finally did it!!!!
I am now down a whole freakin 100lbs!!!!! I am soooooooooo happy!!
I now weigh 202, down from 302 at my highest...............
I now only have about 35 more pounds to go...........
Thanks for all the support you guys have given me through this crazy journey........
Katie Christine
oh ya and I am now no longer "obese" Im only "overweight" LOL
I have went from a BMI of about 45 to a 29!
wooo hooooooooo
Topic: RE: Thank You for the Prayers!!!
You both took the words out of my mouth. God is great and his love endures forever! Praise the Lord!

Topic: my hubby is too funny...
I recently sent my husband an email....
All it said was that I missed him and when I got home I was going to "Bite him all over"
His response was....
"You can't, too many carbs too much fat and sugar, and not enough protein..."
You KNOW you are a WLS patient when this is your husbands response to such a statement....LOL