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Topic: RE: 6 months today
Thanks guys!!!!
I forgot to say....check out the collar bones!
Topic: RE: don't know if i should be happy or sad
Becky thanks and yes with the wls 40 i am sure will be better than the 30's
(((love ya girl))))
Topic: RE: What do you want for Christmas?
Thanks Pam for this great post!
I am praying that my son goes through his surgery on Friday with no problem (he is 4 years old and having his tonsils and adnoids taken out) I also would like my husband to tell me he loves me. He used to be so loving before the surgery and now that I have lost alot of weight he is really struggling. Now for a funny note... I want a pair of gray sweatpants that say "bootylicious" on the butt! LOL I always tease all my size 2 friends that when I get to a single digit size I am going to get these sweats because my new body will be "bootylicious"! I am currently at a size 14/16 ... hopefully not too far away!! Have a wonderful holiday and I hope you get everything you ask for!
Topic: RE: 6 months today
Becky: this is a great post! thanks for sharing. My husband has also commented that I seem to be happier nowdays. Whether it is weight loss, exercise, eating better or all of the above, who cares!
Congratulations to you!! and to all of us, judi
Topic: RE: don't know if i should be happy or sad
40 is the new 20. try not to let it get you down!
Topic: RE: 6 months today
Congratulations! You have come so far in 6 months... really can you believe it?!!! 6 months and your quality of life has improved dramatically! I am so proud of you and thank you for posting this! It is such an inspirational thing to read (Especially since I had a bad day) Keep up the great work! You will be at goal in no time!!!
Topic: RE: don't know if i should be happy or sad
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Best wishes, tomorrow I am 40 and 1/2 ....
I had my WLS the day BEFORE my 40th birthday, I was alone in Mexico, well my parents were there, but my husband and children were not
its just a number....BUT I dont know about you but thanks to WLS my 40s are going to be a million times better than my 30s!!!!
hey pam get your elf shoes and go sneak those few things in (he he ha ha)
(((((((love ya girl))))))))))))