first time post
Hello - I have viewed this site more times than I can count, but always stopped short of posting myself. Its now been almost a year since I've been bannded...and what a rollar coaster ride this has been! I went from total frustration, trying to get the surgery apporved by elation when I got my approval letter. I can remember laughing talking with the doctor before surgery, but waking up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I must have hit that morphine button on hundred times..The first few days were pretty painful, so it took all my energy dealing with that. About one month in - was when the psychological aspect kicked in. I missed food, I wanted food, and I was so depressed that I could not eat and eat and eat the way I used too. My sisters tried to talk me up, but they are both skinny, and you know the last thing you want is weight loss advice from a skinny person. Well needless to say I made it through. I have lost 55 pounds and am currenly weighing in at 260 pounds. I went from a tight 28 (and always wondered what size came next, that is the highest I ever saw at Lane to a size 20/22 depending on the make. My goal weight is 175....
(((((((((((Linsey)))))))))))) Welcome to the June board! Great to have you join us! This place is great. Sounds like you've done a GREAT job overcoming the head hunger, it's a tough thing to deal with. Keep up the GREAT work! Isn't it an amazing ride! Just think, you're going to keep losing too! YEA!!!!!!!!!