6 LBS 1 Week?!?!.....
Not that im complaining but... ive been losing at snail speeds the last couple months then bam since the 8th ive lost 6 pounds out of no where? not doing anything differently i dont think.... I guess i should be happy im just wondering what im doing differently to jump start my loses again... wish i only knew haha
Six lbs in a week?! WOW, that's GREAT! I think Ritalin will make you lose weight. I know Adderall did for my son (same family of drug). Just make sure you are getting your protein in.
Another thing that could be happening is that your body has a memory of sorts and hangs on to weights that we weighed for long periods of time in the past. If you think back, were you that weight for awhile. It eventually isn't able to hang on to it any longer and we start losing again. I know when someone told me that and I thought about it, that's exactly what has happened in my journey.