Well here I am. The surgery went well. It was a revision.. replaceing wornout parts. The surgeon said that it was so worn and lose that he could not believe that I was even walking on it,let alone without pain. They used a new kind of anasetic.. called a Femal Nerve Block. It was absoutely wonderful I never had higher than a 2 pain level and could do wonders with this knee. No Morphine drip at all!!!!! Took a couple of Oxicoutin but it made me hallusinate something terrible. When I had my last two knees..13 and 9 yeasr ago.. I was in awful pain even with the Morphine.
I don't suppose being 90 ponds lighter would make a difference either LOL. Although I haven't had a chance to research but the Staff says it is a little easier with just a revision.
I am useing a walker for the first time ever.. and am going to be restricted to the house for 3 weeks at least... with a PT comeing in everyother day.. and a visiting Nurse 2 times a week for a Commidin blood draw.
I want to THANK YOU ALL!! for all your kind thoughts and prayers.. you couldn't possibly know HOW VERY MUCH IT MEANS TO ME. Gratefully Alice