Any Lap-banders here?
Hi Jen, I'm a bander June 12/07. I weighed in to the hosp. 297lbs. I weigh 202 right now. I've had some trouble w/my port. Had it out twice. It's out right now. Doc plans on putting it back 02/26/08 again. I keep getting a bad infection around it. You know what they say...Third times t/charm. We can always hope. Even w/the trouble, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'm pretty agressive with the program. I don't mix carbs with my fats & protiens. I love the band !!!

I'm so sorry you've been having a diff. time with your port. You're right 3rd time's a charm though! With all your obstacles you're doing great! You've almost lost 100lbs! That's amazing! Keep up the good work, before you know it you'll be at your goal! Do you ever post on the reg. lab band board?