I dance around this subject most of the time, but here it goes Crystal...
I am 73 lbs. from my goal weight. I "officially" put it on my profile that I wanted to weigh 127 lbs soaking wet. I have achieved my New Years goal weight, well almost, but once I work out today and tom. and drink my all water, I am sure by Tuesday I will be there.
Belinda: no you aren't! I am! lol
seriously though, we have some super losers on this June board and I am proud of them, happy for them and jealous of them, all rolled into one! Lots of them lost on the preop diet.
Me, my preop diet was about 7 months before surgery, I managed to pack back on the pounds I lost so my surgery weight was my starting weight.
I've lost 74 lbs today and don't have an official goal but 70ish more pounds would be a dream come true!
Someone else posted that 50% of excess weight lost at 6 months is a good place to be at. Even if you aren't, if you are building muscle you will get there at the end.
There are a few of us that aren't weight loss superstars and are a bit older than these hot young women but we will all get there in the end!
hang in there, judi
I'm 30 lbs from what I think my goal is. My dr hasn't given me one, but 135 will make me 10 lbs less than when I joined the Navy. I think I have more of a clothing size goal. I really want to be no bigger than an 8/10. I've never been a 10 or below, so that would bring some real pride. I'm in a 14 now, so it may be possible!!