New Years Resolutions
What are yours?
I am trying to pull together a list for myself. My first being - back to the bite it - write it philosophy. I have drifted from this greatly and have not been tracking for about 6 weeks since my gall bladder issues started. Second being getting back to the gym on a regular basis. Third is getting my vitatmin and suppliments regime back on track.
Its still a work in process, but its good to have some goals.
Would love to hear what yours are.
Mine is to spend more time with my family. The past 6 months have been all about ME. Although I will still take care of myself and do all the stuff I need to do for me... my husband and daughter deserve some quality time too! I've been so focused on my WL journey that I really feel like I've neglected a lot of other things in my life.
Ummmmmmmmmmm I have a bunch
-Get to my goal of 165 before "summer" (im at 197)
-Get a job with good benifits
-Start working out at least 3 times a week
-Take my vitamins DAILY and not just whenever I happen to remember
-Stop yelling at my family
I have a HUGE problem with shouting!! YUCK!
-Get a tummy tuck, arm lift, boob job and maybe a thigh lift.........Is that too much to ask for???? LOL
-Be a better house wife because I can REALLY SUCK sometimes........
-Take care of my "female" problems
-Spend MORE time with distant relatives
-Travel to somewhere thats worth talking about.........