Missing my OH family
Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I've been gone so long
Between my internet connection being gone for a couple of months and working long, icky hours, I have not had time to do much at all these days, much less get on my computer. It should be about another week or two before my work hours settle down and I have some "me" time again! Hubby and I are kind of in a financial mess since our Anchorage place still hasn't sold and foreclosure is looming now (hence the need for all the overtime).
Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are all healthy and happy in your new bodies! I certainly am! I've hit my 100 pound lost milestone finally after a long and miserable 2 month stall. Christmas was much easier to get through than I thought it would be, although it's the first time in my life I didn't make a huge lasagna dinner for Christmas day...and no homemade cookies and truffles either (an old holiday tradition). It probably helped that my hubby and I spent it alone since we have no family here in Oklahoma and the few friends we've made went back home to their families for the holidays. I was never much of a drinker so New Years Eve will be a breeze hehe
I have missed you guys an awful lot and I hope you'll forgive my long absence. Please feel free to drop me an email if I disappear and anyone starts to worry. I don't wanna worry anyone! [email protected]
Love you all!

((DONNA))))) GIRL I HAVE BEEN MISSING YOU BIG TIME!!! I am glad that you had a good christmas,sad about your family not being around though.
Work,work,work.............uggggghhhh..........I am going to start busting my butt again after the holidays.......i have been kind of slacking since the move.........it has been nice though.
I am also sorry to hear about your home in alaska.........wish i was there to help you.
Well it was good to hear from you and can't wait to talk more with you and
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ON YOUR 100LBS PLUS WEIGHT LOSS GIRL!!!!!!!!!