OT- Job situation
I got a call Wednesday morning to interview for a position. We met Wednesday afternoon.
She said she needed to interview others as well and would be getting back to me if I was one of the candidates.
The interview went great...she's awesome and I really wanted the job. It sounds like it's right up my alley and something I'd enjoy.
I got a call yesterday morning.....offering me the position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! She said she called her boss right after our interview and said she wanted to hire me and to wave her magic wand. *S* That made me feel SOOOOOOOOO good!
So, my first interview, I got a job. Must do something right!
Thanks everyone for all your prayers and support and thank you Jesus!
It's a lateral move, so I will be making less but only because I won't get overtime pay and since I worked 60-80 hours a week in my job now, it'll be less. But....I won't have the extreme amount of OT and will be making about the same thing hourly if you figure out. Might even start to have a life....hmmmm!

PAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO HOOO HIGH FIVIN' YOU GIRL AND DOING THE GO GIRL DANCE AS WELL...........PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I READ THIS POST AND I GOT TEARS..........GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!! I AM SO THANKFUL ALSO I WAS ALL BUMMED OUT for you right at the holiday time to lose your job..uuuggghh........BUT LIKE I SAID GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!and omgoodness not overtime you might just get to have a life.....hmmm maybe romance might be next??????? (just messing with you)