Christmas Goals - Post Here!
I will post a goal this time only because maybe it'll make me get my butt in gear! I've been on the depression train lately...but anyway I am between 159-161 it fluctuates throughout the last few days lol...I mean really is it even possible to fluctuate 3 pounds that soon? Anyway, I would be really happy to make it to 150 by Christmas that will be 100LBS LOSS! It's so close I can taste it but my scale keeps teasing me
I need to get my water in better and start my protein...(Doctor wants me to get it from food and I just can't seem to get enough) And I need to discipline myself more to exercise. It probably don't make sense but I love the feeling of exercising but I have to force myself to do it. I guess I remember how awful it was when I was so big that I still have the mentality I have to...even though now after I get myself going its hard to stop. *shrug*
Good luck and God Bless!

Girls (and any guys out there)!
My all time high weight was 292, but at the seminar it was 287. Right now my weight is fluctuating betwee*****nd 202. I would like to see 190 by Christmas, and 187 by New Years. I am putting my faith in God to help me. I have not been exercising because I have been in the hospital so many times. I need to start. That will be one of my goals also. Here's to us gang! "We're sexy, Baby!!!"