i had a bad experiance
I decided to drink some light beer with some friends saturday night and oh my god i **** myself, seriously when they say dump yeah i found out what it mean when you aint on a toilet, thank god it was good friends and we all laughed but oh my god totally embarresed, so i got a goal my hubby is leaving sunday for 2 weeks, i am goin to quit smoking, while hes gone so he aint got to deal with the *****ing i am goin to do, ill take it out on the kids,lol j/k i dont know what i am goin to do but i need to i quit for two month in may then i started once i got back on prozac which i am thinking about quitting to but i am kinda scared to quit that it helps me stay normal kinda, i forget how much smaller i am but ill still jump out the car at a light and try to beat your ass lol, gotta stop that crap man, so yeah i am goin to need some support hubby hates me smoking and its starting to effect my exercise with breathing so i need to i am gonna need a shoulder i know it, but i got a goal to go snow boarding this winter and i want to be able to climb the hills, also me and hubby are talkin about me joining the airforce reserves next summer, i just want to do boot camp to prove to myself i can,
oh my goodness girl (light beer and the squirts)
Wow! Guess you won't be drinking that again. Good Luck on the quitting smoking! You can do it! Drink LOTS of water and I chewed gum and everytime I put a piece of gum in my mouth I told myself outloud, "Wow, this sure tastes better than a cigarette." Just stick with it....keep yourself busy, go for walks when you are craving,etc. You're going to do just fine.