Wow what a week....Ok I now know every scratch,hand print,crack, knick, on the four walls I have been confined too.....Living out of a suitcase and 3 tiny drawers....Good thing I don't have many clothes anymore since my weight loss......Lol............Bathroom is starting to close in on me when I have to use it or take a shower it is sooo small.....
The hallway always reaks of indian food (all the time) uggggghhhhh
my laptop for some reason will not work in here anymore but my daughter's will.......Go figure and no one can figure it out...It works everywhere else.....But here!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ok enough whinning it could be worse....It could be alot worse....My house looks like it might be done the week of thanksgiving (keeping my fingers crossed)
so if I am not posting that much this is the reason why....I love you guys!!!!
Hey Crystal! Good to hear from you! I've been working like a mad woman. Good to know you won't be posting much because of the laptop. I won't send a search team out for you then if I don't see you on. LOL Thank goodness the house is going to be ready soon...I know....not soon enough for you, but Thanksgiving is really almost here. Just a couple more weeks. Get out and walk when you feel the walls closing in. Go bowling or something....just to get out of there.
Take care of you!

LOL ruth i wanna be a rock star...LOL.....well there is no complimentary food at this hotel we are staying at..........but there is always a strong indian food smell all the time that makes me house will be done soon and it looks soooo goood i just can't wait.....Love ya girl!!!