So far October has been the smallest amount I have lost in a month so far.
Only 12 lbs for me. I also havent lost anything since last Thursday and then this morning was up .5 of a lb.
I feel a plateau coming on and I am not glad to know that!!
The only thing I have done different is recently increase my excersise, because I had set a goal of losing 15 lbs this month, so I increased it thinking it would help get that last 3 off. DANG!!!
I am consoling my self by trying to convince myself it is muscle that Ive built up by excersising so mych....
I don't think I believe myself

Hey - I may have slowed down, but 10 lbs is 10 lbs, even tho I bounced up and down several times through the month (and for the last week). I know I'm following the plan and as long as I do that I trust (please, please, please) I'll continue losing.
But I was bad today. No breakfast, low protein and low water. Shame on me! Tomorrow is a new day.
I lost 9 pounds in the past month, and four of those in the past week alone! I was at a standstill for so long I thought "well this is it, this is all I'll lose". Since this is the case for so many of us, I'm thinking this is pretty normal. They say the first 6 months is "the honeymoon" phase for the fact that the weight comes off rather easily and the rest of it is a struggle. Take heart that we're all in this together and you're not doing anything wrong! (group hugs)
UGh Im so glad I clicked on this I feel horrible been sitting here crying cause for some reason I too have been having a horrible month, I was almost to my 100 lb mark and for some reason im up 5 lbs this week in fact. Which is SOOOo frustrating to me! I am pissed and dont want to eat ANYTHING at this point and I know that isnt the answer as well. Its comforting to see others are having the same problem though and I hope this will pass soon. I am addicted to weighing myself daily and I let it get me down if I dont see a negative on the scale , even though I know this isnt healthy as well. I just have a hard time walking past that evil scale and not getting on it. I wish everyone luck and hopefully next month will be better.
Well everyone....I'm at the same place. I even gained on Monday and have figured out that it may be because I'm not taking in enough calories again and I'm for sure not getting ALL my water in. Does anyone know how many calories we should be at at this stage? I know before, we were at 800, but can't remember who posted it. Anyone know?
Just know we AREN'T done losing! I'm thinking of joining the gym at work too....I can walk at lunch, but have been working more and I'm not getting my night walk in as I get home late. I've started taking the steps down everytime at work (8 flights) and I go up once a day. Let me tell you, 8 flights definately gets my heart going. LOL