trouble with eggs
Me to, cant really eat them....
Scrambled eggs was one of the first solid things I ate and I barfed them right up.
I tried recently to eat a boiled egg and was only able to eat half of it.
I can eat a very small amount but thats it. I have been thinking of making egg salad with some low calorie/nf mayo that would make it moister and easier to swallow. BUT I havent really been craving eggs, so Im in no big rush.
I seem to only be able to handle them if they're scrambled. Other than that I feel like I'm going to
but I've been lucky... I've only thrown up a few times since surgery!
I had eggs over medium when we went to tahoe at a restaurant and I felt like crap the whole day... But didn't get sick. I just felt like my tummy rumbled all day!

Hey Serena! I did eggs a LOT after surgery. Then, they started to not agree with me sometimes. I had a salad at a restaurant on Sunday and it had hard boiled egg in it. I took a tiny bit with some egg in it. Got one more bite of salad and that was it. I was miserable. After a while I went to the bathroom and was vomiting. Had to stop and pull over a few times on the way home too. It's sad....I loved eggs.