maybe I am paranoid, but what are the...
..signs of a hernia? I am a worry-wart but I wanted to get some opinions on a pain I have been having the last week or so. It feels like a "pulling" and dull pain sensation just right of my belly button. Its worse when I walk.
also, off the subject, any ideas on getting my fix for "crunch"? Like a substitute for potato chips? please dont say carrots or celery, yuck....
Hernia, I've one of those....well technically two of them. I didn't feel much pain, cept during sex, which sent me to the ER and surgery right afterwards (not going into detail hehe). When you use your stomach muscles, you can see a bulge where the intestines are starting to push through the abdominal wall. I always noticed it when I was on the toilet, without going into detail there either! Sometimes you can see it when you're standing up and looking in the mirror as well. My mom has lived with a fairly large hernia above her belly button for the last twenty years. It doesn't hurt, so she doesn't want to have it operated on unless it hurts her.
Hernia's aren't life threatening unless they become strangulated. This happens when the intestine pushes through the abdominal wall and the muscles close over that portion of the intestines...cutting it off from the rest of your body. This is what sent me to the hospital that day, but it was PAINFUL. Not just an annoying pain, but doubled over, holy cow, painful!
All this being said, everyone's body is different. What happened to me, may not happen to you. Please mention it to your surgeon so he can check it out and see if it's a hernia, or something else.
On to crunchies. I love Genisoy soy crisps. They are crunchy, tasty, low in fat and high in protein. What more do ya need?! I found them in Walmart by the rice cakes.
i can tell you about ulcers but not hernias my dad had one and yeah youll have a buldge. but pringles has came out with new way low fat chips, there like 70 calories for 20 chips there not bad but i think they might be made with that olean stuff cause they kinda give me upset tummy, and there not to crunchy and salty, i use sunflower seeds when i need crunch and salt.
Thanks everyone for your responses to my problem. I ended up going to the ER that night and so it appears that it is the beginning stages of appendisitis [sp?]. But its not inflamed enough to go in and take it out. Also they said it may be a cyst on an ovary that errupted, I guess they saw issues there too. I figure, if I go in for surgery, then they can just take out any unnecessary organs and save me some future troubles! Thanks again all of you
I plan on buying my soy chips after work today...