My "WOW" bag!!
Ok so we got a new mattress this weekend (yay!!) and when we were moving out the old bed I found a big bag of clothes under the bed that had totally forgot about!! It was a "some day" know what Im talking about im sure!! LOL
So anyways, after we got the new bed in place I decided to go through it and to my suprise my "someday" clothes are "never again" clothes!!! THATS RIGHT!!! Most of the clothes I have already passed up and are way too big!!! YAY for me!! There are a couple jammies and ones pair of jeans that will fit but I cant believe all those clothes I put away last year hoping that some day "I will be that small again" ARE TOO BIG!!
Oh ya and I have posted a new blog...........check it out.......

Isn't it wonderful?? I know I have 3 brand new pairs of pants and a pair of shorts that have never been worn. I belong to TOPS and took them there... and a young friend cried when she found she could wear them. Her husband had just left her.. so thus the dramatic weight loss. Not a good way to do it. But she had started a new job and could not afford pants that fit.
I guess it was meant to be.
Good luck to you and keep up the good work. I really enjoy your posts. Alice