With all my weight loss I still have one big problem, I have very slack tummy muscles.
Even though I work out, do all kinds of tightening excersises they are still slack. All due to pregnancies and abdominal surgeries....oh yeah and lots of weight gain...LOL
So my tummy still sticks out a bit. No big deal I plan to have plastic surgery and have the muscles tightened when I have lost my weight.
As you know I have now lost over 100 lbs. This morning I was in the garage with a man who had come to pick up an old dresser we were getting rid of and as I reached up to move something off the dresser he says "You shouldn't reach that high, you need to be careful" I looked at him with a puzzled look on my face, because it really wasnt that high. Then he says.... "You know, we wouldnt want any wee ones getting hurt" as he pats and rubs his own belly. It dawned on me that he thought I was pregnant
I was embarrased and could only say...."OH Im ok dont worry" I wanted to kick him in the ass and yell...' Ive just lost 103.5 lbs you nimrod '
But I figured there was no reason to embarrass him, its not his fault I have a belly.
Its been bothering me all day so I wanted to share. BUT I guess the good side is, I must not look obese anymore...maybe I look "regular" with a belly.