sad bad day
Ok today was not very good for me............but i am ok
first my stomach was way off today..........
then one of my customers that actually closed on their first home while i was out with my surgery..........
well i got a call from the husband and his wife was killed in iraq.............
this was their first home and they were delightful to work with ...their home is almost the same home that my hubby and i are building right now.....
she was a dr. in the military............
i just broke down and cried and then i puked ( i think nerves then) stomach has been off all day....even more after hearing that news...........and i just feel so sad
just hit home hard.......SHE WAS JUST SUCH A NICE PERSON............LOVELY YOUNGER LADY........sooo sad..........just very very sad.........
thanks for listening
Awwww (((hugs)))) sweetie
Believe me, as the wife of an active duty soldier, I live with that reality daily (my husband is not currently deployed, but 2 good friends of ours are in Iraq now). Try to think of it as she died doing what she loved to do, helping people who needed it. My prayers are with her husband and family.
How sad. My hubby is active duty Navy and always has the chance of going over there as an Individual Augmentee--meaning the Army/Marines/National Guard have no one left to go. Leo is a personnell officer but could be sent to do just about anything.
Donna--I'm sure you know just what I mean.
My prayers going out to all.
MY husband is retired from the military and he went over to iraq for a year when they first went over there.......every day was awful for me....i did the worse thing i could do i was glued to the heart goes out for all our military people and their spouses and families............
thank you all for your kind words and prayers!
i love all of ya!
Crystal - Such a terrible day for you! We all just dread hearing the results of US troops being in war!
I work at an Air Force Base and find it hard to understand how brave these people are when being deployed. The young Airmen and Lts are outwardly gung ho about getting their experience in the theater -- I can't imagine feeling that way. When you hear the pilots talk about near misses (and misses!), it's not hard to grant them the billions of dollars spent on stealth planes. God bless them!
It's horrible to hear things like that... when it comes close to home like that. It's hard to think of some one young who has a like similar to yours dying over there.
It is very sad. I don't know anyone over there right now, but not to long ago someone from my high school died over there and that really hit home for me.
My brother in law is in the Navy and his ship was the first one to respond after 9/11. It was very nerve racking because my sister had just given birth to their first child. It was a very hard time. Tim (my brother in law) is like a real brother to me. He took me in when my life was really bad and let me live there.
Well anyway... sorry for going off topic! We love ya Crystal... ***********HUGS********