I love......
Ok some of this might be weird but I thought I would share this and would love to see your posts as well.....
I love feeling my.....
collar bone
my butt bones (i have never felt them before)
i love seeing my feet when i stand straight
i love that when i want to tie my shoes i can actually lift my leg up without any problem
i love that my jewelry all fits on me really good
i love that my feet at the end of the day are not hanging over my shoes from being so swollen
i love that i can cross my legs with ease
i am glad that i am not having chronic migranes
i love that i can feel my ribs
i love that i can feel my hip bones
i love that i can see a defined line in my arms
i love that i can walk and not get winded
i love that my face is thinner instead of it being round
i love that in my car i actaully feel small instead of bigger than my car LOL
i love just feeling lighter
i love that when i go to open some doors they actually feel heavy to me instead of me just whipping them open.....LOL
there is so much more but here is a few
I don't have as many as you yet, because I still got a spare tire (it's getting smaller though!) Here are mine:
I love that I can feel my hip bones now...don't think I've ever felt them before!
I love that I can cut my toenails myself, never could reach those suckers!
I love that I can put on pants and zip them without laying on the bed and sucking my gut in!
I love seeing the numbers on the size tags of my clothes going down
I love that my wedding ring, once on a chain around my neck because I couldn't get it on my finger, is now in danger of falling off that same finger!
I love that I no longer feel like a sardine when I get in my car!
I love that I can walk and walk and walk and....
I love testing my blood sugars and seeing the number "85" instead of "185" on the machine.
I love sex more than ever now!
There's probably more, but those are what comes to mind right now lol.

I love that my hands/feet don't get swollen
I love that I no longer suffer from acid reflux
I love that I'm migraine free
I love my thinner legs and arms
I love how my jewelary fits
I love that I fit into smaller shoes, clothes, etc
I love my un-rounded face!
I love having sex with my hubby
I love being able to crawl on top of my hubby without causing him breathing problems!
I love being able to rough house with my husband without feeling winded
I love exercising
I love trying on new clothes and checking myself out in the mirror
I love not having back pain
I love feeling lighter!
I love the way my hubby looks at me
I love feeling good about myself....
aw I'm sorry to hear that you're still getting tired!
for me it's been better since I've been taking my exercise classes...
my energy levels are better than they've been in a long time... I was pretty exhausted over the weekend, but it's that time of the month and that always drags me down. I got my IUD put in yesterday and that wasn't a whole lot of fun. But today I'm feeling better!