Long Day-3 month post-op
Ok So I went to the DR and RD today for my 3 month post op and I am down 72 pounds and have 48 more to go. He seamed pleased with that progress, but the dietitian was not as happy since I haven't been able to eat much. I can only get in about a 1/8 - 1/4 cup of food at a meal if I am luck and still only able to get in like 30oz of fluids a day. He finally ordered labs today so when I get those back I will post them. The numbness in my legs and pain I get in my stomach between incisions he said is a nerve he probably cut during surgery. Not a big deal. The spiting problems I have been having he thinks will clear up by my 6 month appt. Pray it does because it's frustrating enough to want to bang my head against a wall. I used to donate blood and he said not for at least a year can I donate. What else....Oh and the depression I have been having he didn't say to much about so I will try to suck it up. Oh yeah and get this, when I told him I have been having a tough time getting to sleep and my legs are all over tossing and turning etc...I'll get all shaky and talk kind of fast and get really frustrated easy and "mean" for lack of better word. He said to try a packet of sugar or a couple sips of soda...I was like WHAT NO WAY! He's nuts lol ain't no way I am drinking pop EVER again! And to down a PACKET of sugar, is he out of his mind. I haven't had dumping and I don't want to start now. Then he was like well you need to get sugar to your body "fast calories" to help me stabilize. I don't know, I adore my surgeon but I'm not down with eating sugar or a bit of soda for a bedtime snack, or any other snack for that matter. So he said it would be ok if I had a couple bites of fruit instead. That I can handle. Anyway, there is probably more I am forgetting, if so I will post tomorrow. *hugs*
Robin seems like your appoinment went well............i am very curious why your dr. would suggest soda and sugar?lol, I can only imagine you sitting there going what the ????????When i first had the surgery i had this restless leg snydrom and then it finally went away........let us know if there was anything else....i love to hear the different reports from the dr.
(((((hugs to you girl))))))
Congrats on the awesome weight loss Robin! It sounds like not a whole lot got resolved with the problems though. The blood donating, I would expect to not donate for a year, since we have such a hard time keeping iron up post op in the first place, and also since we lose so much once a month anyway. As for the sugar/soda....I would be like "ARE YOU CRAZY?" I know my grandma kept saltines in her purse for when her blood sugar would drop too low (which is why I know the carbs-converts-to-sugar-instantly thing is true), so maybe keeping a little ziplock baggie with a few crackers handy would be more feasible than fruit hehe. Also, I'm wondering if you're not becoming dehydrated if you're only getting 30 oz of fluids in a day. That could cause a lot of the problems you're feeling (dunno about the depression though). You need over twice that amount every day. I found that drinking a 16 oz mug of herbal tea in the morning, before breakfast, really helps in getting my fluids for the day in. I buy Perfect Peach from Bigelow and True Blueberry by Celestial Seasonings. They are soooo yummy, it's not a hardship to drink them at all
Good luck hon, and keep us updated on how you're doing, ok?

Hey Robin-
You have done amazing in your weight loss. Keep up the good work. So sorry to hear you have been having this many problems. I sure hope they clear up sooner than 6 months. Since he didn't say anything about the depression, are you seeing a psychologist for it? Depression is very common after weight loss surgery and it is probably a good idea to see one with WLS knowledge.
Let us know how everything else turns out and ummm, I would definately really try hard to get more fluids in....don't let the bottle out of your hand aside from when you are eating. I believe Donna said it, you could be having troubles due to dehydration.
Take care of you!