my blood work
Well girl, what am I going to do with you? Sheesh....I've thought before that either you weren't eating enough or I was eating too much when you've posted your daily intake. 3 tiny bites of....just made me think that. I'm so glad in your response to Judi that it's getting better. I know when I eat, I have to concentrate on it or I will eat too fast. Can't hardly believe that the doc would think you talk to much....that's amazing. LOL
Keep feeling better! We LOVE you!

I don't know if you can tolerate milk but you might want to try drinking some between meals. That will help boost your protein and calories. I also try to journal what I'm eating and see how I'm doing each day. I find that if I don't, I don't eat enough (who would have thought that???). If I'm short at the end of the day, I have a glass of milk with NSA Nesquik in it. It makes a great ending to the day.