Just wanted to let you all know....
I'm alive. Work is absolutely crazy and I got roped into being in a play, so I haven't had any time on here. I miss you all sooooooooooo much! OMG....I forgot to do Monday Weigh in...........I'm so sorry!
Had my 12 week appt and I'm doing great.
I'm at work, so can't catch up on all the posts, but I hope all of you are doing wonderfully and life is good. Take care of all of you and hopefully, I'll be able to get on again soon.
Love ya all!
Oh, you all are too sweet! I'm fine, going crazy, but fine. Needed to take a break from the work for a little while and came on.
Ummmm Crystal, a play, how cool is that? NOT COOL FOR ME....I don't enjoy it, only doing it because they needed one more and the play was only 3 weeks away. Desperation makes me a sucker. LOL I much prefer to be standing behind the counter waiting on people...not a stage person at all.
Oh well.....only 11 performances. Ugggghhhh!
Gotta get back to work!