theres something worng
remember last monday i posted about a tummy ache and some said they wake up everyday like that, well I have been in constant pain for over a week, I mean it hurts to breath drink eat just sit here it hurts, I am not thorwing up but i am sick feeling, i go to the doc tommorw unless they cancel, but i am scared i think it might be a ulcer, its waking me up at night and the pain is goin into my lower back, i am scared of what is going on, anyone else feel like this. when this much pain is going on i cant exersice or nothen all that makes it feel good is not moving i mean seriously like laying on the couch all day no food no water no breathing no yelling no nothen whats wrong with me.
cause cleo i have an appt for tommorow and i have already been dealin with this pain for over a week. i know he has surgerys today cause a friend of mine is havin revision today, but i know there somthing goin on and i to am worried, but ill just take my pain pills and make sure i get in my protein in and try nto m get as much water as possible. i wish i knew someone that has had an ulcer to tell me if this is what it sounds like. i have loojed it up and i got all symtoms.
It sounds like you do have an ulcer (although I haven't had one, my dad had several and he described them to me). One reason I'm thinking it is an ulcer is because that is one of the main reasons we're supposed to stay away from alcohol. I've seen you say a few times you've had a few drinks and that is what is making me think that is what you have. Try drinking something like milk, or milk of magnesia, or pepto (if you can stand any of that stuff, I know I can't). But I agree, call your doctor today anyway, they might tell you to come right in or advise you to go to the emergency room. Ulcers aren't anything to play around with, if that's what the problem is. (hugs) Please let us know what happens ok?