I just got back from the fair and did really well. I carried in my water so I would have that handy. I couldn't decide on anything because I didn't want to feel sick so I ended up just having little bites of whatever the people who were with me ordered. I even had a tiny bite of ice cream which I don't usually do. I had small bites of a pickle on a stick, a frozen banana on a stick, french fries and popcorn and a tiny bite of a chicken strip. I feel great and did not overdo as the bites were very tiny. The mini donuts sure looked good though!!!
Beth, you're not likely to dump from fruit. Don't be afraid. I had the same fear but my nutritionist said that our bodies can handle bigger amounts of natural sugar like those found in fruits. I have tried apples dipped in peanut butter ( a yummy snack), a couple bites of banana, watermelon (make sure you chew it up real well cause it wants to slide down as it is so juicy), canalope, cherries, peaches, and nectarines. The only one I had a problem with was watermelon because I didn't chew it long enough. (Not pretty) Girl, you are going to feel like you are in heaven the first time you try fruit. Enjoy!!!
So far I've only eaten apples and bananas with no problems, haven't tried anything else. I put half a banana in my chocolate protein shake (yummy stuff) and I've also mashed up half a banana in some cottage cheese and added a Splenda packet as breakfast. The apples, so far I just made homemade applesauce with, but I had no problems with it. I just made sure I got my protein in first, then if there is still room, I have a fruit or veggie (unless I can mix it in my protein like described above).