Smoking and its effects after surgery!! If you know anything at all about this please post it.
on 8/31/07 2:59 pm - IL
on 8/31/07 2:59 pm - IL
Now i am not trying to get a lecture here. I know all about cancer and emphyzema*. I am just asking for surgery related purposes. ok? I am 19 yrs old and had the rny surgery on June 13th. I quit smoking 6wks b4 surgery like i was told. I remained smoke free until the beginning of August. I smoke about 5 cigs a day. What kind of dangers if any are there for my pouch? Can this hurt me or the surgery in any way? I am concerned about my pouch? PLEASE LET ME KNOW. thank you
Hi Liz: I saw your post on the main board and I"ve heard the same thing that others have: it makes you more susceptible to ulcers.
It also slows down your healing because of circulation.
Plus most plastic surgeons won't touch you if you smoke.
Everyone I've heard from that started up after surgery deeply regrets having to quit again.
good luck!
Hey Liz....just want to say that I know you're not the only one that has started back up after surgery. But I've heard the same thing that Judy has about the ulcers and the healing process your body can attain.
I know I tried to quit SO many times before and I know it really had a hold on me. SOOOO glad I've quit's ben 5 1/2 months for me now. You also have to take into consideration if it will affect your workouts. Right now, 5 cigs a day isn't probably going to affect them, but I know me and I wouldn't have remained at 5 a day for long before being back up to a pack. I had it bad. *S*
I wish you luck if you decide to quit again and will send up a prayer for you too.
Take care of you!

I had quit smoking three and one half years prior to my surgery after smoking way too much for way too many years. Prior to surgery I had a great oxygen level. After surgery my oxygen level would not stay up - my machine kept beeping. I had to stay on oxygen longer than normal. It all of a sudden popped back up.
This is my personal experience that I wanted to share. I wish you luck with trying to quit - I know how hard it is.