What did you eat today 8/31/07?
Had a pretty good day today. we went to the fair tonight and walked around. Got some good exercise pushing the stroller in the grass. I was so proud of myself. Didn't even have any desire to have all the junk that was being sold there. DH wasn't so good - he got a funnel cake and it didn't even bother me. Next year I'll go and ride all the rides
B: 1 EAS AdvantEdge Shake
S: light string cheese & pumpkin protein muffin
L: 1 Myoplex Carb Sense Protein Shake
D: 1/4 c salad & 1/4 c cottage cheese
S: pumpkin protein muffin
9 Fat
23 Carbs
61 Protein

That protein is looking great today Buffy. Keep it up!
Breakfast: Peanutbutter cottage cheese oatmeal
Snack: EAS AdvantEdge shake
Lunch: 3 oz shrimp salad
Snack: 1 cup Genisoy Smart Hearts
Dinner: 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 3 oz baked tilapia with a caramel-ish marinade. MAN it was good!
Snack: This is my bad no-no. I went to Starbucks after the gym tonight. Got a venti sugar free skim milk cinnamon dolce (20 grams of protein thanks to the milk). GOD its soooo good, but caffeine is on my no-no list. That's two nights in a row, and I better knock it off
1129 calories
99 carbs
32 fat
111 protein