What did you eat today 8/30/07?
Looks like both of you did better today! I'm so tired it's not even funny
Breakfast: Cottage Beater © with 1/4 crab meat mixed in
Snack: Protein shake
Lunch: 3/4 cup White bean turkey chili
Snack: 3 oz swiss cheese
Dinner: 2 Wasa crackers with about 1/4 cup crab salad spread over em.
Snack: My first real no-no. I ate 1 small handful of popcorn. My hubby made it and I just couldn't resist the smell. Why does popcorn have to smell so good??
956 calories
65 carbs
36 fat
83 protein

You all are so Lucky, I cannot seem to eat anything!!!!
Yesterday I had
a protien shake for breakfast,
A yougart for lunch (almost the whole thing)
dinner was a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of refried beans and a bite of cantalope
I am so jellous that you people can eat real food... I hate food!!! Nothing likes me anymore