Tired and Depressed
Alright I know I sort of posted this pity party on another reply, but I have to vent a little. We just moved and my husband did most of the work because I wasn't cleared for exercise until the 12th or so. And then found out I had a Stricture so had an EGD and still am having some issues with that UGH! The NUT took me off all vites. I can't drink any kind of liquid hot, cold etc without spitting every 30 seconds (not an exaggeration) the rest of the day which is not just frustrating but inconvenient at work! So that makes me not drink at all sometimes. I'm lucky if I get 20oz of water in a day and my eating I can barley eat still! like 10-15 cashews is like a meal for me or a South Beach diet protein bar I can only eat like 1/4-1/2 at a setting...I have been really crabby and find myself getting depressed and entering the "why did I do this" stage and I know this is a Phase (at least I pray it is) But I am over half way to my goal and I still am so exhausted and tired and dizzy that every time I want to start working out I feel like I am going to pass out. I want to be happy and enjoy my life. Just changed shifts at work, 8 (10 hour) shifts in a row and then 6 days off. Someone hit my car today, my dad just got remarried this last weekend and that was tiring and frustrating.
For instance, I met my sister at a golf course she works at and we played, by the time we reached hole 6 I was ready to be taken out on a stretcher I was ready to pass out and that day I was drinking water and spitting as needed and we had a golf cart so I am like Did I trade my fat for a new set of problems or what!? I am just Tired of being Tired and dizzy thats one of the reasons I did this and now I can't eat or drink or exercise hardly at all
. I don't know what to say I guess, I'm sure I sound ungrateful, I don't mean to I am greatful. I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. I just feel like I have the same problems from before surgery but yet I also can't eat or drink and I was just given a smaller body
. Thanks for listening, sorry to be a party pooper today. I'm usually such a bubbly person, I haven't felt like myself in a while and I just don't know who I am anymore.

Robin: vent away. are you making sure you aren't dehydrated?
I think you should go back to the doc, your symptoms do not sound normal!
Plus, moving alone is a huge stresser.
I've read where people have to have the stricture procedure more than once to get it fixed.
I've also read where people have to take medicine to relax their esophagus sometimes.
Please take care of yourself. No wonder you are tired and depressed.
judi j
Oh honey....I'm so sorry that you are feeling sooooo lousy! You are suppose to come here to vent....people here understand.
Get back to the doctor and see if you don't still have a stricture, sometimes they start to close back up and you need it done again. If you are only getting 20 oz of water, you are more than likely dehydrated and may need fluids. Dehydration will cause you to be sick to your stomach, dizziness and exhaustion.
Please make an appointment today. Keep us updated please.
Robin - Don't apologize for venting. It sounds like you have a lot to vent about. Please keep at your doctor to get everything resolved. Don't stop with consulting the nutritionist!
Half-way to your goal is wonderful, so your body IS cooperating to some degree. Now, let's just nudge into complete compliance!
One of my goals is to be able to play golf again - need to reduce the sistahs and the belly so I can swing!
you need to relize now your are making more estrogen than before so your body is all out of wack. I just had to get put on something for it cause i to am mad deppressed tired ect, our bodys are going hur alot and then to add evryday stress is very difficult you might wanna talk to the doc you might need a little anit deppressent for a bit to get over that hump. i know is helpin me get out phunk. let me know if you wanna talk.
Robin.......Vent away girl!!!!!!!!!I feel so bad that you are having such a hard time!!!!!!! You really should get in to see your Dr. Again and tell him everything you are feeling!!!!!Anytime you need to vent please stop and post away that's what we are all here for each other's support!!!!! Love ya girl!