the 25th
Ok the 25th was my two month anniversary.....which was sat.I could not believe that the time had gone by so fast and how much weight i have lost since the surgery!!!!!!!! would i do this again........THE SURGERY?
WELLL.....if you would have asked me the first week out I propably would have said NO.........
BUT.......after i got past that first week YES!!!!!!!!!
UPS AND DOWNS.......the hardest thing i think about the surgery is getting used to eating high protein meals......although i love eating healthy....i feel better since i have been eating healthier......and taking vitamins.
the frustrating part is when i do eat which is not much i seem to throw just about everything up......i feel like geesh i can only have about a 1/4 cup of food why then i can't just eat that...which normally only ends up being 2 to 3 small bites and then it either gets stuck or doesn't agree and up it comes. BUT IT IS GETTING BETTER
the other thing is i have become a professional puker........LOL
i am off all my medicines had very high blood pressure i took 3 pills a day for it and now i don't take any and i feel great
i was borderline diabetic and my cholesterol was high....cant wait to see my numbers in feb.
i now do not get dizzy spells if i miss a meal past 12 which feels great and i don't get the shakes.........
i love that i can shop in regular stores and i don't have to by the biggest size in there also.
i love that when i am out showing houses and i go up a stair case i am not winded when i get to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was embarassing!!!!
i love that also if i have to pee i don't have to run to the bathroom in fear of leaking..........that's gone also!!!!!!!!!!
i love that when my husband wraps his arms around me i feel small in his arms now....
i love that when we are intimate i can bend and move in positions....i haven't tried...LOL (sorry if TMI)
I love that i have met so many people on here that understand and know what i have been through,what I am going through and can relate!!!! and are supportive!!!!!!!!
would I HAVE THIS SURGERY AGAIN.............YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey that's great today is my 2 month anniversary!
I would do it over again too!
I have not only changed physically, I've got a new attitude and better outlook on life
my love life is better and my relationship is stronger (with my hubby)
I'm more active
I can shop just about anywhere. I've even bought things from the juniors section!
I feel good about myself. I'm more confident.
I feel so much better. I was on 2 blood pressure meds, 2 meds for acid reflux and 2 meds for cholestorol (my triglicerides were 604 in January 2007) and now the only pills I take are the chewable vitamin kind.
I had low energy for about the first 3 weeks after surgery, but now my energy is back.
My back really bothered me for the first month after surgery, but now I think my body has started adjusting to my weight loss and the pain has subsided
Lovemaking is definitley better! My husband and I can do a lot more in bed! It's wonderful!
I went camping over the weekend. I started a cardio belly dancing class. I walk 1 -2 miles everyday. I go roller skating (yes the old school kind of skates). I can keep up with my stepdaughter.
Yes I would do it over again in a heartbeat. This has been a life changing event... A change for the better!
Thank god for gastric bypass surgery and for my surgeon! I also thank Him for my friends, my family, my husband and
A special thanks to Crystal! You're great! Reading your posts on here have been an inspiration. Everyone on here is so supportive. We are really lucky to have such a great group of our peers to communicate with.