Slight Wow Moment
I have been going through my wardrobe and have been checking what i fit into now and i am now getting into half of my XLs coming down from 3XLs I am now fitting into clothes i have not fit into since i was 17-18 and am also down to the same weight. I have been doing a fitness regime of doing a 2 mile circuit of running and when i cant any longer walking until i can run some more and today for the first time i ran 3/4 of it which absolutley astounded me my fitness is shooting up what with training constantly and dropping so much weight. I have also been able to start going into shops and buying XLs some tighter then others (why cant they all just make the same size) and it feels great especially knowing i will be dropping more and will be able to run further and further and hopefully get back into playing rugby although my role may have to change with the loss of weight but that day will come lol.
The only thing so far is that my energy levels are fluctuating like crazy last night at 12.30 am all i wanted to do was go out on a run so i ran on the spot for 20 minutes then this morning i was shattered then went for another run as i was full of energy i then felt like 30 minutes ago i need to sleep but now i want to go for a run again even though my calfs are burning like hell. Oh well no pain no gain or loss in this case

I played rugby before surgery and my fitness was terrible so i could run before hand to some extent and am now just building my fitness up i love biking. The place i live is very hilly so it is very hard to get a decent run out on the bike but i have a good track for a bit of up and down hill jogging just near my doorstep.