Missed ya....... an update
Hi All I have not talked to ya'll in about a week. I got myself into trouble AGAIN.
So 4 days ago I was in some major pain... pain I never had before. I figured it was from my monthly skipping 6 weeks!
Well it got worse and worse, I got nervous didn't know what to think, so went to Hospital ,, turns out I got a bad kidney infection.. blood in urine. I got it from not drinking enough water. DID I MENTION HOW PAINFUL IT WAS!! dang right side of the back. I guess I am real close to kidney failure. If I don't start drinking 4 quarts of water in a day.. I have to be put back in the hospital for at least 4 days on IV fluids and Iv anti-biotics. pray for me cause them telling me to drink 4 quarts of water is like standing me in front of Mount Everst and telling me to climb to the top! Oh yeah when I got home from the hospital I gained 4 pounds. sheeeese GO FIGURE!!