I'm a little sad
Ok so here is me venting a little...i have worked literally my behind off this week didn't get to spend as much time as i wanted to with my son before he left.
This week a girl that he had gone to school with from k-12 shot herself in the chest he spent his night before going to college at her calling hours...(part of me wishes i would have not let him go, but the other part knew he had to go)bEAUTIFUL YOUNG popular girl what a shame........so devistating!!!!!! Great way to spend your night before you leave.....
Today I took him to college and it is only about a hour and 20 minutes away..he will be staying right there......first time i have let him go..............I miss him terrible even though i am soooo proud of him and know i need to let him get off the apron strings....he almost cried when i left...i could tell by his voice and he wouldn't look at me....i have called him 3x' s today....he is wicked homesick already......I KNOW i know it will get better and i have to let him go........NOT TO MENTION IT COSTS APPROX 32,000 HE WILL STAY...(lol)i did good though i only got a little teary eyed.........
anways I HAVE BEEN MISSING YOU GUYS ALL OF YOU....AND I APOLOGIZE I HAVEN'T BEEN ON MUCH, i really do miss it...........i am just totallly exhausted and need some rest.
thanks for listening.
Hi Crystal,
This is such an emotional time . My son is leaving also and only 20minutes away but he is living there. I think it is sad just realizing that itis the end of a chapter for us. The time goes so fast. I only had my surgery on 7/23 and my emotions are crazy. Almost like post-partum. Anyway-keep your chin up. Time heals.
Oh my Lord Crystal, I'm so sorry to hear that he had to go through this before leaving for college. A loss like that is such a hard thing to deal with let alone being away from your loved ones at the time. Does he have any of his friends going to the same school? If so, I would make sure you tell him to talk to them and get together once in awhile. Also, if he is living in a dorm, the RA's are wonderful and they are there to listen and help out students living in their part of the dorm. Also, all colleges have school psychologists that he may want to talk to at some point, make sure he is aware that they are available.
I wasn't really sad when my daughter went off to college last year. I am a single mom and I guess I felt a sense of accomplishment on my part getting her there as well. I felt like....When she was a baby, I taught her how to walk and I had to let go to do it. Now that she is older, I have to let go for her to be able to walk into this step of her life. We talked about everything, I've always let my kids say what they needed to say and I never judged them or their friends, and she came to me with everything. Things her friends needed help with and everything. Her friends were a little upset that she would go to them and say, "Mom said you should do this." it was, "You told your mom!?" She'd just say, "Mom doesn't judge people, she just wants to help." They figured it out next time they saw me. This opened the door to many conversations about life and decisions and I was able to give her the tools to make the right choices. Now it was up to her. Besides that, she was very hard to live with the last couple of weeks before school started (a whole bundle of nerves coming out in not the prettiest of ways) LOL My son was ready to move out himself if she didn't go soon. LOL
You take care of you and get some rest! I will be sending up a prayer for your sons heart to heal after his loss.
Love you!

Oh, Crystal - What a sad time for you and your son. I can't imagine what he's feeling - like his life has just been turned upside down and every safety net wrenched away. I pray he stays on an even keel.
I DO know what you're going through and it's wonderful and miserable all together. You get the vicarious thrill of your son's college life (as much as he'll tell you about!), yet you have to get used to him not being around all the time. I'll bet there are tears in your eyes still!
Chin up, girlie!