Throwing Up!!!!

on 8/21/07 4:20 am - LA
Does any one throw-up, I know it may be from not chewing well I hope that's all it is. it is a bad feeling it's like i can't breath sometimes. Also what are the best vitiams to take? I take ultra preventiive X is that a good one to take?
(deactivated member)
on 8/21/07 4:26 am
It can be from a lot of things - eating too fast, not chewing, etc. and its definitely NO fun! I take a multi-vitamin, B-10, Biotin, and calcium. Once I have my bloodwork done I will probably have to take others.
on 8/21/07 4:40 am - LA
Thanks Buffy for the information. I had Lap Band done in June. I'm wondering about my blood-work to. Because I also have a thyroid problem So I can't wait to get my results next month.
Pam Eilf
on 8/21/07 6:51 am - Pinconning, MI
Sometimes I think mine is from anxiety. Sometimes the first time I try something new, and am not sure how it will sit, I will throw it back up. I have had to do alot of self talk lately. I tank Centrum chewables, iron, calcium, b-12, biotin and vitamin C. I actually prefer Flintstone complete over the centrum, but I have them, might as well take them. My son has Thomas the Tank Engine jelly vitamins that are really good, but they are not a "complete' vitamin. They sure are tasty little things. I also try to take a fiber suppliement every day. Especially if I didn't get enough fruit & veggies in.
Shell Marr
on 8/21/07 7:45 am
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Sounds like your eating things that are getting stuck in your stoma... you need to chew chew and then when you think you have chewed enough, chew some more! Also, dry or tough meats can be a problem. As long as your not thowing up often... it's normal while you are getting used to the band. But if it happens a lot... your band might be too tight and could cause it to slip.... so just be gentle. Once you throw up... switch to liquids/soft foods for the balance of the day.
on 8/21/07 11:37 am - Osceola, WI
Great advice IS YOUR WEIGH IN? LOL
Shell Marr
on 8/21/07 1:51 pm
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
LOL Pam.... I don't THINK there was a change.... but I did post my newest measurement in my blog on my profile!!
sarah !.
on 8/21/07 1:52 pm - flint, MI
i throw up every day. i eat way too damn fast and cram way too much in and dont chew it enough! i'm terrible. i need a measuring cup and an egg timer. and some help for sure. hang in there!
Shell Marr
on 8/21/07 1:57 pm
Lap Band on 06/21/07 with
Oh, I forgot to answer the vitamin part.... For those with a Lap-Band all that you really need (if you don't have any other health issues) is for example a Flinstone Chewable and any multi vitamin that you can get down, it does not have to be chewable, you can also get a pill cutter and for another type. I PERSONALLY take 1 chewable flinstone, 1 botine (for hair, skin & nail), 1 chewable calcium, and one chewable glucosimine....and 1 teaspoon Acacia (powder fiber) that is all for MY personal reasons... not because of the Lap-Band...
Donna Jensen
on 8/21/07 8:54 pm - Fort Lewis, WA
I think we've all thrown up at one point or another....and for me, I've done it plenty. It usually comes from a mixture of eating too fast, taking too big of a bite, and not chewing it well enough. One of the tricks they say is to use a baby spoon and baby fork, or at the very least, take mouthfuls that you would feed to a baby. Your tummy is now smaller than an infants! As for the vitamins, I'd say Shell is right on. Slow down, chew lots, and take smaller bites. Good luck! Donna
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