Monday's Thankful for
Well today I am thankful for the rain we are getting.........
for a wonderful husband and his always encouraging words life,health, and strength,and that i still have my mind
for support from all of you on here
for my oldest son telling me he is really going to miss me when he goes off to college in a few weeks
for being able to get on here and vent and you guys still love me
for losing inches
for my family all of them
for my mom calling me last night just to talk
for my dad telling me yesterday, I was looking HOT..LOL makes me giggle my dad saying that
for God being who he said in his word he was and he is
for my husband helping me at the new construction open house he wouldn't let me vacuum the whole house (new carpet) he did it
for going to look at new light fixtures, bathroom vanitites,outside doors etc for our new home.............that was fun....haven't decided yet on those things...not even close to picking those things out....when we get it finally finished i will post pics
I'm thankful for today's cooler weather
I'm thankful for going shopping yesterday because I'm running out of shirts that fit me (and I bought them from a regular store, no more plus size clothes!)
I'm thankful for my husband and how wonderful our relationship is
I'm thankful for my mom going shopping with me
I'm thankful for all the support I'm getting
I'm thankful for being able to wash my car myself instead of paying someone else to do it
I'm thankful for going out to dinner and not getting sick (yay!)
I'm thankful for all the positive changes in my life
I'm thankful for having lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a long time (even though he ignored the fact that I look great! My husband says he must be jealous!)
I'm thankful for thinking of new things to be thankful for everyday and for Crystal starting this thread everyday
I hope everyone has a great day!!! ~Michelle