thursday thankful...........( i think i got the right day lol)
I am thankful for a beautiful day again.......
for my doctor's appointment going well yesterday
for yesterday when i got stopped by the state trooper for speeding he let me go without a ticket.......wooo hoo
for when i hit a swarm of bees driving(weird) one stung me and not my kids...Ok i didn't like getting stung but i would have rather it stung me then my babies.
for looking back 5 weeks ago and i am not the same person i was 5 weeks ago...i am slowly gaining some self esteem,feel alot better,and alot more active,off my blood pressure meds,and can see my feet without bending over....
for being surrounded by a loving husband and children.
for not being addicted to my scale anymore.......(that's a hard one though,but i made the break through)
for eating salad yesterday.........NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD WANT A SALAD
again for my new house being built.........can't wait until it's done what is taking them sooooo long...LOL
for God blessing me in my real estate business because without him i wouldn't be this successful!
for all of you showing concern for me and support.........and also for each other, that is why i love all of you, never met any of you in person plan to someday......i think it's awesome how we all get along sooo well and don't flame each other......we need to a vacation together somewhere...........seriously
I am thankful it is Thursday & Big Brother is on tonight-Woo Hoo!
I am thankful tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!
I am thankful that I didn't puke after I took a bite of a bagel w/ Cream Cheese on it & forgot to chew, chew, chew - Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!
I am thankful for my family & friends
I am thankful for the love & support from OH
I am thankful for the beautiful weather we've been having
for my support group last night
for my support group at home (my husband and my mom)
for the support of OH
for all of your wonderful stories and sharing what you're going through
for fitting into my old clothes (I'm pretty much out of plus size clothes)
for being able to wear necklaces that I haven't been able to wear in a long time
for my "me" time
for signing up for a belly dancing class (would have never done that before)
for every new day that I have more confidence and taking pride in my appearance
for not getting discouraged when the scale doesn't move
for not getting discouraged when foods don't agree with me
I'm thankful for:
God's mercy even though I don't deserve it
My family
My doctor and his care and concern for me
For a scale that works and is just about dead on with the doctors office
Losing weight even though I'm not getting in my proteins
My family
Being able to stand for more than 5 minutes and do the grocery shopping
For all the wonderful and caring souls on this message board
Having my son Justin home and the way he makes me laugh
Watching my children grow into beautiful people
My family
The knowledge that one day soon I'll be able to eat without getting sick
For every pound I've lost and never want to see again 41.5 and counting!!!
Did I mention I'm thankful for my family???? LOL
God Bless you all...
briggie ^i^
Today (yes it's Thursday!), I am thankful......for my best husband in the world!
I am thankful that I have picked up my pace at work and I'm back in my groove.
I am thankful for the newfound energy I have, what a feeling!
I am thankful for the walks my husband and I take every night, it's not only exercise but quality time together
Today and everyday I am thankful for
A very small but wonderful family
Work that interests me
Co-workers who appreciate my skills and the work I produce
The wonderful surgical practice and local hospital I used for WLS
A daily drive that takes me across the James River twice each day for a glorious sunrise and very occasionally a sunset
The will to live as God wants me to.