friday thankful for
Let's see today I am thankful for ......
Waking up another day..that God allowed me to see
For My wonderful family
For My wonderful friends on OH
For my wonderful clients that are going to be closing on their new home today..
For my daughter telling me I was always beautiful (not just because i have lost weight) she's 13.
For everyone on the June message board for their positiveness, upbeat, and support to each other.
For trying a few new foods and not getting sick
Now it's your turn
Today I am thankful for having a job that I could take the time off I wanted before returning.
Today I am thankful that I am able to return to work on Monday because I have NO complications. (even though being off has been really nice)
Today I am thankful for friends and family that I hold dear to my heart. For without their love and support I wouldn't be here.
Today I am thankful that ObesityHelp exists and I can have a place that everyone understands what I go through because they are or have been their themselves.
Today I am thankful for YOU!
I am thankful that it's the end of a long week
and tomorrow my husband and I are going to visit my sister
I'm thankful for my husband, my family and my friends
I'm thankful for my OH friends and their support
I'm thankful for sugar free popsicles and sugar free jello
I'm thankful for being able to wear clothes that hadn't fit in a long time
I love you all!