nobody wants to the (grateful post)
Ok I will try one more day....
I am grateful for seeing another day
For being able to have this surgery
For being under 200lbs
For a wonderful family
My oldest son going to college
My middle child (son) being a senior
My beautiful baby girl being a junior
for selling 3 houses already
for building our new home
and FOR ALL YOU ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!
I'll go next, BUT 1st...Crystal, you can't be old enough to have a son going to college. You look like you should be there yourself
I am grateful for yesterday
I am grateful for today
I am gratful for my family (especially my "Princess"
I am grateful it's Wednesday & only 2 more days of work
I am grateful for having lost 38 lbs so far
I am grateful to have a roof over my head
I am grateful I have food on the table (as little as it might be)
I am grateful for OH & all the people here & their support
As I sit here recovering from my first episode of regurgitating food (!), I am grateful
-No one was in the ladies room
-It wasn't a dumping episode
-My one and only son is getting married in a month
-He chose a wonderful woman to walk through life with him
-My estranged niece is coming to the wedding!!!!
-My friend calls me her GSF (getting skinny friend)
-I live in VA within driving distance of my family rather than 1,100 miles away from them
-I have a bunch of good friends 1,100 miles away where I used to live AND
-Countless other new, supportive firends here on OH!
Thanks, Crystal, for reminding us to live in the future with our grateful past!
K i am gonna try this
I am thankful for this surgery( even though its got me in debt)
I am thankful for feeling better
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful for a great husband who has been here thur so much
I am thankful for starting to be happy and feeling good after only loosing 34lbs
I am thankful I went out lastnight and everyone was drinking while I had water
and I am way thankful for fitting into a smaller size that wasnt stretchy
and I am thankful for suppot group
and I am thankful for this website and all the neat people I have met on here feeling the same way I do.
thank you all
Today I am thankful for my Lord by my side,
For the wind in my hair and the sun in my eyes.
Today I am thankful for my children of which,
My daughter 19 is dealing with much and changing a bit.
My son at 15 with a heart full of gold,
Is always there to help out without being told.
Today I am thankful for my ability to walk,
And to make it two miles and still be able to talk.
Today I am thankful for there are no more meds,
For my blood pressure or pain, they are no more to dread.
I am thankful for all of these things and much more,
For the friends and support that I've found here galore.
Today I am thankful for my loving husband
our daughter
and my family and all their support
I'm thankful that I had the courage to take this step towards health
I'm thankful for the wonderful staff at the hospital and my wonderful surgeon
I'm thankful for my boss and his flexibility with my schedule
I'm thankful for the support groups that I attend
and the wonderful people on this website
I'm thankful for the pounds that I have lost and the clothes that I now fit into
I'm thankful for all the wonderful changes I'm making in my life
I'm thankful for my house and our beautiful yard
I'm thankful for my little dog Sammy
I'm thankful for all the people that I love in my life
and I'm thankful that I was able to rid myself of all the negativity that once ruled my life
I'm thankful that I am alive and getting healthy
I'm thankful that I haven't gotten sick
too many times
I'm thankful to be able to take a bath
or to go swimming
I'm thankful for catnaps
and my bed
I'm thankful for the air that I breathe
I'm thankful for music and exercise
i'm thankful for my morning walks
i'm thankful for my friends even though i don't spend much time with them anymore
I'm thankful for the breeze and the beautiful summer we're having
I'm thankful that I quit smoking
two years ago
I'm thankful for my voice and my poetry
I'm thankful for literature and short stories
I'm thankful for my creativity and my sense of humor
and I'm thankful for more things than I can think of at this moment
Was this a little too long?