I need a reliable scale - any suggestions??
Dear Briggie,
Sounds like you're really feeling low. I'm so sorry you're so down. I'll pray for your friend, and for you as well. Know that God really is beside you and hasn't dropped you on the side of the road to walk alone. We're all here for you, and believe me, we understand your struggle.
I've been trying to stay off my scale, but that only lasts until I get ready to get in the shower in the morning. Naked, I always jump on that scale. Which by the way reminds me of something. Where do you live? Do you have an attached garage? Is it too cold to go out there in your pajamas or undies? If not, put the scale out there. The concrete pad in your garage is usually really level, so find a spot where you have plenty of room to stand comfortably on the scale (not squeezed in by a wall or something, which is a common problem for me in the house), and leave it there.
I have to admit, I'm pretty obsessed with the scale. I agree that it's kinda funny we're all like that about weighing ourselves now. I'm a big fan of The Biggest Loser, and always feel inspired by the folks there. But can you imagine, going home for three or four months and agreeing to not weigh? I think they don't weigh themselves at home, because they're always so surprised by the results when they come back. I can't even imagine that.
I know you're really frustrated, and I hope we're helping. By the way, if you still aren't happy with that new scale, take it back and go to a medical supply store and get a medical standing scale with the counterweights on top. My mom bought one of those and, although she put out some dough on it (around $150 or so), she put it out in her garage and has been very pleased with the consistency of her weighing. That thing is calibrated well, and you can recalibrate when you think it's needed, so it should be really helpful.
Remember this, Briggie. You're on your way, and this early stage is going hard for you, but it WILL get better. I tell myself that my weigh-ins at home are just check-ups, and that the doctor's numbers represent my official weight. I don't know if that helps, especially because you're stuck in one spot for a while, but I hope you start feeling better. Oh, and once you're reversals stop, you'll probably start losing better. If you're not keeping your food down, your body may have entered survival mode, and is hanging on to every bit of fat it can, because it's not getting the nutrients it needs. Keep talking with the doctor, so you can make sure you're getting what you need to keep you healthy. And come talk to us anytime. We're here for you.
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs for you today,
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and words of encouragement. I feel like a ping pong ball right now, going back and forth from happy to sad, feeling good to feeling bad (he maybe i have a little poem going on here....lol) and then topping it off with my families lack of tenderness and sensitivity, one of my closest friends husband being rushed into emergency surgery, another friend needing a radical hysterectomy (spellcheck please) and then waking up today to find my "friend" decided to drop by for a visit (didn't get it last month - probably because of the surgery).
I figure I've got nowhere else to go but up from here.
Thanks for the hugs, I really needed them today!