Update on Incision
I went to my surgeon and he made sure it was closed, more steri-strips. He said that to him it looks ok. That it could just be a small seroma that is causing it to continue to drain and come open. But for now he is going to watch it and if I start running fever or having pain then we will have to be more aggressive. Until we get the culture back from the lab, I am to continue the antibiotics. Which as I type this, the preliminary report just came across (we had it done in the office I work in), so far it is inconclusive or mixed, so I will have to wait for the final to come across tomorrow afternoon. Which could also mean that there is nothing there.
On a brighter note, I was down 4# from two weeks ago at his office. Which makes a total of 30# lost since I first saw him, but a grand total of 35# since starting my journey with my PCP.
I also have an incision that is open, it is not infected, it started to close on the outside but was open on the inside my DR, checked it and it just has to heal from the inside so I have to get the incision packed everyday and it is closing up slowly, but then again I am diabetic so I heal slower but my other 5 are great they are perfectly healed
UGH I am going through the same exact thing! I went to my dr today and showed her my incision where the tube was in my stomach and she got this worried look on her face. She got a sterile q-tip and started poking and it went down into my side about 4 inches! UGH!!! This is exactly what happened with my c-section. The incision is not healing so now it has to be packed and cleaned every day. Unfortunately I can feel EVERYTHING on this one, unlike my c-section cut that was completely numb.