(1) I had my first dump last night from GRAPES! I'm still on my mushy diet, so I ate four or five grapes and spit out the skins. About 20-30 min later, cramps and, well, apparently my first dumping experience. Question: Does this mean I'll never be able to have grapes w/o dumping? How do you know which fruits have more natural sugar than others? I had the insides of a peach the other day and that was fine.
(2) I was told not to drink anything 30 min before and after meals. They said it makes the food flow thru the pouch faster and you don't feel full. It is SO hard not to sip at something when I eat, especially mushy meat. Is it okay to sip, tiny, tiny amounts? Like an ounce or two? It just seems to help my stomach not feel so funky. I'm still eating 1/4 cup at a time b/c I'm scared to overeat.
(3) Do you get LOUD intestinal sounds after you eat? Will this always be? It doesn't hurt or anything, it's just loud!
As always, thanks for all your wisdom!!

Hi Wendy,
I was told no fresh fruit for the first 3 months. Canned fruit in it's own juice is ok as long as it is not pineapple. Oh....a couple of slices of very ripe banana is ok says my nutritionist. She said to hold off on fresh (raw) veggies and fruits for the first 3 months because the new stomach and digestive system can not handle it yet.
As far as drinking with meals goes....that is a big NO-NO. Ask your nutritionist about it. I know there is more to it than just making the food move faster. I do know that this is one of the major causes of weight re-gain a couple years out from surgery. Good luck!
If your stomach is still feeling funky, don't experiment with a lot of new foods. Just get your water and protein in and stick to what works for a couple of weeks. Add new foods one at a time and try it for a couple of days before trying something else new. That's what the nutritionist told me. Just because we CAN have a variety of foods, doesn't mean we HAVE to have them. I'm only eating 1/4 c too and depending on what it is I'm really full (fish, refried beans) or not very satisfied (cottage cheese which I actually like). I get intestinal sounds after a couple of bites then it stops. Good luck!