I am 2 weeks post op today (YAY!) and the last 3 days I get like a foamy spit that creeps up my chest (almost feels as if I have to burp) and finally i have to spit it out and it's uncomfortable and it's making it difficult for me to drink my fluids...It doesn't seem to bother me when I'm eating, just throughout the day or when I try to drink something. Is this normal? and how long will it last? Thanks!
Hi, Robin - I'm about 2.5 weeks post-op and haven't experienced the foamies to date. From what I've read on this message board, you need to make sure you're not drinking too fast (no more than 2 oz every 15 minutes - it should take an hour to drink 8 oz), stop drinking at least 15 miutes before eating and wait 30 minutes after eating to drink anything. Good luck!
Hi Robin,
I experienced my first case of the foamies on Tuesday, it was awful lol. I scrambled an egg but old habits die hard. Before surgery I never had to chew a scrambled egg before. It just slides down. Yeah. OW! Guess what? You gotta chew those suckers! Anyway, what you described is exactly what I felt, except the pain and foam didn't go away until I threw up. It does sound like you're drinking too fast. Sip, sip, sip and chew, chew, chew. Those orders came directly from my doctor Tuesday when I called him because I thought my pouch was going to explode from a stupid egg. Good luck!