How much at a time?
How much do you eat at a meal? I'm eating about 1/4 cup of food at a time. I'm on purees for the first everything is soft and goes down well. Is this ok? I know I shouldn't eat anymore, but is this too much? It takes about 20 minutes to eat it. Our nut says never let a meal last more than 30 minutes or you'll eat too much. I have never had that "ok, that's enough" feeling. Am I normal?
Thanks, Amy. My nut gave us a list of suggested foods, but not a lot of guidance on how much to eat. Meals for me right now are just one thing. I'm eating so little, I make the whole thing a protein...cottage cheese, tuna, chili, refried beans. I calculated my foods this morning, and I'm getting about 4-500 calories a day including protein shakes.
31 pounds already for you? Wow!! Congratulations! I'm a slowpoke. I'm only down 15. My surgery was 2 days after yours.
How are you feeling?
I had clear liquids in the hospital (three days), then full liquids for two weeks at home. Then I move to pureeds for two weeks, soft for two weeks, then gradually move to all foods, well, all approved ones, at least.
I did have a nasty bout with dumping syndrome already, however. Minute Maid Light Limeade. It was recommended by my support group leader (and she's paid by the hospital, and is usually spot-on). I had only a few sips before I became violently ill with the worst intestinal distress I've ever had.
Even the couple of sips got me. GAH!
Hi Jeannie,
I'm 10 days post op today and I was just wondering the same thing. I went to get my staples out today and I asked the surgeon this very question. He said I'm doing exactly right and if I eat too much, my pouch will let me know and toss it back at me. By the way, I've been eating things like mashed potatoes, refried beans and cheese, yogurt, etc. Maybe it's because everything is mushy that we never get that too full feeling. I don't know, but at least you know you're not alone!

Thanks for the info. I wonder if it's because of the soft foods that we don't feel full either. You're right, I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Pouchy has let me know a couple times that it didn't like the protein shake, or that I had consumed it too fast, but I just felt gross, never lost anything.
You doing ok?
I'm doing great! I feel like I could go back to work already but the surgeon isn't ready to clear me. I'm allowed to eat almost anything now in small portions with the exception of steaks, pork chops and breads (and the obvious chips/desserts, etc). I can't bend over yet either, which means my house is starting to look like a sty lol. I can't wait till I can get my house all clean again. How about you?